Saturday, January 26, 2013

Weekend Bliss

It's saturday morning in our house it's quiet. Ok, to be honest it's usually quiet here. Our youngest child will be 22 in a couple months, and the grandbabies live out of state. I'm the only one up, and I keep telling myself "you need to get the housework done" to which I reply "I know give me just a minute." Ok that minutes has come and gone several times. All I really want to do is sit here and knit.
We had our second snow storm in as many weeks. This one was not as bad as last weeks, we still have power this week. Spent all last weekend without power, which meant no cleaning or laundry. Thank goodness I have enough uniforms to last 2 weeks. With the cold weather and working I didn't do anything all week. It's time to catch up.
I'm still working on the baby outfit, getting closer. I have the yarn seperated for my year in temperature scarf, and the measurements for my pitts sweater. I hope to get to spend time working on the outfit this weekend, and at least get half done. I don't get much knitting done through the week, as I'm gone from home 11 hours a day.
In the last couple week, we had an addition to our family. We got another 4 legged grandson. His name is Jacks, and he is a mix chi pom. He is the cuties thing, but his daddy said no dressing up. Guess what nana is going to make him somethings. He doesn't like the cold. I don't think I'm ever going to get a granddaughter,except for cats. The female cats that are here are turning me against cats.
Well hubby is up, and I need to get started. I will try to post pictures of my progress on the outfit this weekend. Have a safe and warm weekend.

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