Saturday, January 7, 2012

Have to start over

Well I have completed 6 inches of my sweater, to discover this morning it's not wide enough. I will be ripping it out today to make it wider. That's all part of the trial and error. 162 stitches wide would be perfect for a pre-teen. I am a small sized, 5ft4in 130 lbs, this sized is big enough to wrap around and meet, but I want a little more room. will update on the progress later. Beside, making this wider, I'm also going to change the stitch. Nothing fancy, just going to half double crochet, instead of the single crochet. I was using this stitch in back loops for the bag, and liked the way it was turning out.
I have also ripped out the bag as well. I'm not fond of sewing pieces together,so I have started over making it all one piece. This design will be more sturdy, and less open areas.
I work full time in a Drs office, so don't have a lot of time to spend on this. Weekends are my time for making changes to patterns and deciding what I like. I spend a little bit of time throughout the week working on stuff, but not much time to really examine it. I also enjoy reading and have spent some time doing that. When my hand start to hurt from crocheting I search the web for my next project idea. I usually have several things going at the same time. Right now, I'm working on a scarf for a friends boyfriend, it's 2 sided in cowboys color. I am also working a plastic bag holder in red and green. My kitchen is done in apples, so this should match well.
I love making stuff for babies, and my puppy. My puppy (Dinky) has 3 sweaters now. Both crocheted and knit. His next item is going to be a vest harness. I'm going to attempt it in 3 sizes as I have 3 sizes of dogs. Dinky is a miniture chihauhau, I also have a lab mix with we believe grey hound, and pitbull. My chi is 6 lbs, the lab is 25 lbs, and the pitt is 85 lbs. I don't like collars on them as they cut into the hair on their necks. Be low are pictures of my 4 legged babies.
The chi is the pitts puppy

This is her usual position

Best friends

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